In good Wilbur & Moore tradition, we wandered the streets of New York on the lookout for the yet another pearl in its rich underground music scene. We're hip and trendy, and hip and trendy labels find their artists in New York. That's what we've been told. And boy, did we succeed! We found vonnie whatever, right there, hip, cool, fun, edgy, the whole shebang. And the music is amazing. You can trust us on that one.
One thing though... she moved... to Philadelphia. Even before we were able to release any of her music. You know, Philadelphia, from Cory & Topanga, It's Always Sunny, and The Fresh Prince of "back in Philly". 
Because we are more easy-going than a koala in a gumtree, we immediately gave up on our dream to become the most influential music entity in the whole of New York City, but we will never promise to learn how to spell Philadelphia without the support of auto-correct!
Who is vonnie whatever?
Now to the most important part of this page, answering that one question you are here for; who is vonnie whatever?
This is the tricky part, we can throw around cliche descriptions like "quirky upbeat indie-pop with a soft and raw side that make you feel both at easy as on edge, wondering what life is really all about". And it'd be true. We can also quote vonnie's website, saying something like "jangly indie rock with a silly amount of percussion". And it'd be true. We could also simply include the words she emailed us a couple of weeks ago, verbatim: "vonnie whatever is a bedroom rock artist and total chiller. You can find her somewhere between the Delaware and Hudson Rivers, but the basements of Philly and NYC are your best bets. Like we said, she's really chill. Never experienced anxiety a day in her life. Head clouded with existential dread? Nope, not at all". And it'd be true.
Maybe just listen to the music and decide for yourself.
the music
vonnie whatever on Bandcamp
vonnie whatever on Spotify
Check out vonnie's Wilbur & Moore debut single Joie de Vivre:
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